Connecting Syndicators & Lenders

The Trusted Way to Share and Fund Deals.
With Access to:


Monthly Deals


Million in Capital

The Problem

In the Alternative Lending industry, lenders pass on deals primarily due to 3 factors:

Risk | Diversification | Capital

This limited pool of Lenders and Syndicators is what is forcing lenders to say “no” when they want to say “yes”. If only there was an easy-to-use and trustworthy way for lenders to share deals, the improved risk, diversification, and capital would result in more deals, better returns, and faster growth. 

Without a centralized lending hub, lenders have to manually reach out to various syndicators to fund a single deal. Even though the industry is dependent upon fast, efficient communication, it still uses outdated processes and methods, with little infrastructure to connect the important players.

The Solution is a centralized online marketplace, designed to share and fund deals for the Alternative Lending industry. Accessed via an easy to use online platform and secure cloud portal connects syndicators and lenders, who can quickly share funding responsibilities while still managing risk and diversification.

This is lending efficiency like you've never seen before.


A Syndication Network

Stop waiting 6 months for bank transfers, start getting your funds faster. Start making decisions on your investments based on more than just credit history. Let connect you to both lenders and syndicators faster and easier than before.


Portfolio Diversification


Tap Into Billions of Investments


An Efficient, Trusted Marketplace


Save Time


New Incremental Revenue

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